It’s not always easy to find focus and get into the moment, especially at times like these. Here’s how some people in our team are switching up their days and getting INTUNE.


Camille (taste master & creator of INTUNE drinks)

“I usually drink a can of INTUNE before I head out for a sea swim near my home in Brighton.  The CBD helps me to feel relaxed. I used to swim with a big group of girls, a community group called the Salty Seabirds, put together to help people with anxiety.  Sea swimming feels liberating and a little bit crazy. Not all of the Salty Seabirds are swimming through lockdown so I’m putting a video of being in the sea on Instagram every day.  Swimming alone I’m now actually swimming and not bobbing around chatting.”



James (sportsman turned digital marketeer)

“I’ve been making some INTUNE deliveries on my bike, a service we’re now opening up to people in our area to raise money for the NHS. I drink INTUNE to help with muscle recovery.  It makes me feel good, puts me in a positive state of mind.”


Hannah (drinks industry insider & INTUNE founder)

“Working at home during lockdown with kids all over the place (there are only two - small in size, enormous in character) means that I have less hours in the day to get everything done.  And there are multiple other distractions with everything that’s going on in the world.  When I get those windows of opportunity, I crack open a can of INTUNE (any of the flavours, I mix it up depending on my mood) as CBD help me to find focus and get sh*t done.”



Alex (comms pro & MD of Story)

“One of the big challenges about working from home all week is the absence of that evening transition moment from work to play.  I find cracking open a well chilled can of INTUNE Elderflower & Hops in the late afternoon slows things down and eases me into the evening in style. If I’m not drinking that evening I’ll add a glass and some ice by way of creating an aperitif moment.  Bliss, especially on a Monday”.


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